Before and After School Policy



The best way to report an absence (partial or full-day) is through your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account. For safety reasons, we ask that you please do this by 8:30 a.m. on the day of the absence. This will ensure the authenticity of reported absences and provide families with improved communication when a student misses class.

Other ways to report an absence:

If you know in advance that your student will be out for an extended period (more than three school days), we require families to complete a Pre-Arranged Absence form (Spanish Version), report the absence through one of the options listed above, and connect with your child’s teacher so they know about the upcoming absences. 

CO State law allows schools to excuse up to ten school days (two weeks) within a year for any reason. After that, documentation is required to excuse additional days (doctor, therapy, etc.).  The key is clear communication. Policy is one thing, but relationships matter most. We also know that life presents opportunities and challenges we will work through together.


We believe that regular school attendance and being on time is of the utmost importance. All students should be in attendance at 8:35 a.m. when school begins. A student arriving after 8:35 a.m. needs to report to the office before proceeding to class. We realize some tardies are involuntary, such as accidents and weather. It is our goal to reduce voluntary tardies. Students are held accountable for completion of missed work due to either voluntary or involuntary tardies. The staff will identify students with chronic tardiness and provide appropriate intervention to reduce tardies.

Early Dismissals

Families who need to have a child dismissed early or excused from school for a brief period of time should sign their student out in the office while staff calls the student down.  Please talk to your teacher to determine arrangements for necessary school work.  Students who return, after an appointment, for the remainder of the day, need to check back into the office.

After school arrangements need to be made prior to the beginning of school. Students are not allowed to use the school phones to make play dates. It is not always possible to get a message to a classroom during the last minutes of the day. We understand that emergencies come up and we will try to help when that happens.

Before and After School Procedures

School hours are 8:35 a.m. to 3:35 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. On Wednesdays, we have a late-start schedule, with school beginning at 9:35 a.m. and ending at 3:35 p.m.

Students may arrive at 8:20 a.m. on regular days and 8:35 a.m. on Wednesdays, as this is when staff supervision begins. For families who need additional coverage on Wednesdays, late-start care is available from 8:35-9:35 a.m.

When the bell rings, students are greeted by their teachers and enter the building through their exterior classroom doors. Families are not permitted to accompany students inside the building.

At dismissal, students are released through their exterior classroom doors. Kindergarteners, however, will only be dismissed once their teacher has identified their designated adult.

If there are any changes to your student’s after-school plans, please notify the front office, as classroom teachers may not receive communication during the day. If your student arrives late, please sign them in at the front office.

Students not picked up by 3:45 p.m. will wait in the main office until their adult arrives.

Onsite child care is available through BVSD SAC (School Age Care). For more details on registration, pricing, and availability, visit their website at BVSD SAC.

Parking and Transportation:

  • There are two bus lanes and a staff-only parking lot.
  • The large bus lane is located to the right of the main school entrance.
  • The second bus lane is to the left of the main entrance, next to the accessible parking spots, and is used for ride-share vehicles.

Please avoid parking in the bus lanes during drop-off and pick-up and ensure anyone responsible for your student’s transportation (e.g., nannies, extended family) is aware of these guidelines.

Inclement Weather:
On days with poor weather, the office will send a text to notify families of indoor arrival procedures. During these days, students should enter through the front door and proceed to the cafeteria for indoor recess.